Public hearings will be held before the Tyrone Planning Commission on Thursday, February 22nd, 2024 and the Tyrone Town Council on Thursday, March 21st 2024 at Tyrone Town Hall, 950 Senoia Road, Tyrone, GA beginning at 7:00pm. The purpose of these hearings will be to consider the following:
- To consider a petition from the Fayette County Development Authority for the annexation and rezoning of a roughly 70-acre tract with parcel number 0904 008 from Agricultural Residential (Unincorporated) to Business Technology Park (Tyrone incorporated).
- To consider a petition from the Fayette County Development Authority for the annexation and rezoning of a 27.8-acre tract with parcel number 0725-027 from Agricultural Residential (Unincorporated) to Business Technology Park (Tyrone incorporated).
- To consider a rezoning petition from the Fayette County Development Authority for the rezoning of a 37.6-acre tract with parcel number 0725-005 from O-I (Office-Institutional) & AR (Agricultural Residential) to BTP (Business Technology Park)
- To consider a rezoning petition from the Fayette County Development Authority for the rezoning of a 5.1-acre tract with parcel number 0725-035 from M-1 (Light Industrial) to BTP (Business Technology Park).
- To consider a rezoning petition from the Fayette County Development Authority for the rezoning of a 5.0-acre tract with parcel number 0725-036 from O-I (Office-Institutional) to BTP (Business Technology Park).
Information on these public hearings can be obtained at Tyrone Town Hall, 950 Senoia Road Monday-Friday 8am-5pm via phone/email at (770) 487-4038, info@tyrone.org or retrieved at https://tyrone-ga.municodemeetings.com/